
Blockchain in Modern Supply Chain Management

The Evolving Role of Blockchain in Modern Supply Chain Management

The Evolving Role of Blockchain in Modern Supply Chain Management 700 500 Xcelpros Team


In our previous article about blockchain technology in Distribution, we talked about how blockchain could make supply chain distribution better by being more efficient, transparent, and easy to track. Now, let’s see how it’s doing today and how it’s still changing supply chain management.

We’ll talk about blockchains impact on risk, visibility, and trust, highlighting the vital role it plays in enhancing supply chains for greater efficiency, sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and scalability. We’ll look at some real-world examples of blockchain’s application towards tracking shipments and the development of medical products at each stage. Finally, we’ll look at three crucial areas closely monitored by companies managing their own supply chains: predicting supply chain risks, tracking environmental, social, and governance factors, and enhancing trust – all domains where blockchain technology can bring about significant improvements.

As we take another look at blockchain’s impact on supply chain management, think about how its continuous evolution could significantly transform the future of supply chains. What unique opportunities and potential challenges might arise for your industry or organization, igniting a wave of innovation and reshaping established practices?

Where is Blockchain Now?

Risk Mitigation

The modern supply chain landscape might seem riddled with uncertainty, from geopolitical conflicts to unforeseen natural disasters. These variables often disrupt the seamless flow of goods, posing a significant challenge to supply chain management. Blockchain technology emerges as a vital solution to this issue by offering real-time risk assessment capabilities. By providing a constant stream of data and intelligence, blockchain empowers companies to make informed decisions and respond swiftly to unforeseen challenges, ultimately enhancing the resilience and adaptability of supply chains.

Enhanced Visibility

Visibility across the entire supply chain is a cornerstone for ensuring smooth operations and meeting the ever-evolving demands of customers. Blockchain technology revolutionizes visibility by establishing a transparent and unchangeable ledger that all stakeholders can access. This heightened transparency leads to superior visibility, providing real-time insights into the status of goods and transactions. Consequently, companies can make better-informed decisions and adjustments, leading to more efficient supply chain management.

Trust as a Foundation

Trust forms the bedrock of every successful supply chain, fostering collaboration and ensuring the reliability of processes. Blockchain’s foundational principle of a tamper-proof ledger guarantees the authenticity and integrity of data and transactions. This inherent trustworthiness eliminates doubts and skepticism in supply chain interactions, creating a solid foundation for transparent and dependable collaboration among all stakeholders. With blockchain, trust is not merely a desired attribute; it’s an integral and unwavering feature of the ecosystem.

How Blockchain Continues to Transform Supply Chain Management

Blockchain is more than just a trendy term – it’s a game-changer in supply chain management. It makes things smoother, helps the environment, saves money wisely, and adapts to your business growth. In the world of supply chain management, it’s creating a new standard for how well things work, taking care of nature, and staying strong economically.

Here are some simple ways blockchain is transforming supply chains, making them perform better and more sustainably:

Enhancing Efficiency

Blockchain’s role in supply chain management is akin to a digital conductor, orchestrating operations with efficiency and precision. By automating tasks and minimizing the reliance on manual paperwork, blockchain streamlines the supply chain process. It achieves this feat primarily through the implementation of smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements triggered automatically when predefined conditions are met. The result is a reduction in administrative overhead and a significant acceleration of processes, ensuring goods move swiftly and seamlessly through the supply chain.


of professionals believe the blockchain can fundamentally change the way they engage with physical assets in supply chain.

Source: Blockchain in Supply Chain

Elevating Sustainability

In an era marked by heightened environmental awareness, companies face increasing pressure to operate sustainably. Here, blockchain emerges as a valuable tool for the conscientious supply chain manager. It offers transparent tracking capabilities throughout the entire supply chain, enabling companies to trace the journey of products from origin to destination. This level of transparency allows organizations to pinpoint areas where they can reduce their carbon footprint, minimize waste, and make sustainable choices. It’s not just a technological innovation but a pivotal step toward environmental responsibility.


Blockchain can reduce carbon emissions by 5-10% through improved supply chain transparency and sustainability initiatives.

Source: Supply Chain Digital

Realizing Cost Savings

In the fiercely competitive business landscape, cost savings are a universal pursuit. Blockchain technology is a game-changer in this regard. By cutting out intermediaries, mitigating the risk of fraud, and minimizing human errors, blockchain delivers tangible cost savings for supply chain management. It’s akin to a financial watchdog, ensuring that resources are optimally allocated, and expenses are minimized, bolstering the profitability of businesses while maintaining operational integrity.


Blockchain technology can reduce supply chain-related costs by approximately 20%.

Source: BIS Research

Embracing Scalability

As businesses expand their horizons and embrace the global stage, supply chains must evolve in tandem. This necessitates a crucial element: scalability. Here, blockchain proves its adaptability. It easily adjusts to accommodate the ever-growing complexity of supply chain networks. With blockchain at the helm, organizations can confidently expand their operations and adapt to the shifting dynamics of international trade, ensuring they can meet the demands of a global market with ease. Blockchain scales with you, ensuring that the supply chain grows without growing pains.


Blockchain has the potential to reduce errors in supply chain data by up to 50%.

Source: World Economic Forum

In summary, blockchain transforms supply chain management by making tasks more efficient and reducing paperwork. Professionals see it as a significant change in managing physical assets. It also helps companies be more environmentally friendly by providing clear tracking and reducing carbon emissions and waste. Additionally, blockchain saves costs by cutting out middlemen and minimizing errors, boosting profitability while maintaining integrity. Its adaptability and scalability support the growth of global supply chains, reducing errors in data.

In simple terms, blockchain is a game-changer, promoting efficiency, sustainability, and cost-effectiveness in supply chain operations.

Popular Use Cases: Realizing the Benefits of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management

Figure 1:Benefits of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management

Benefits of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management

1.Tracking Whole Shipments: Enhancing Transparency and Trust

One of the most compelling applications of blockchain in supply chain management is the ability to track entire shipments. This innovative solution addresses several crucial concerns and offers significant benefits:

  • Transparency: Every step of a product’s journey, from its origin at the manufacturer to its final destination with the consumer, is meticulously documented on the blockchain. This high level of transparency ensures that all stakeholders, from consumers to supply chain professionals, have access to real-time updates regarding the product’s location and status. This transparency builds trust among all parties involved.
  • Swift Issue Resolution: In the ever-demanding world of modern commerce, delays, damage, or other issues can disrupt the smooth flow of goods. With blockchain, companies possess the capability to rapidly identify and address these issues. Whether it’s a delayed shipment or a damaged product, the ability to trace and rectify problems quickly ensures customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

2.Tracking Stage-by-Stage Development of Medical Products: Ensuring Safety and Compliance

In the pharmaceutical industry, the development of medical products involves a delicate and highly regulated process. Blockchain technology proves to be a game-changer in this domain, offering numerous benefits:

  • Data Integrity: The stage-by-stage development of medical products requires the preservation of unaltered and trustworthy data. Blockchain serves as the ultimate guardian of data integrity, ensuring that essential information, including safety and efficacy data, remains tamper-proof and secure. This aspect is crucial for regulatory compliance and upholding the highest standards in the industry.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The pharmaceutical industry operates under stringent regulatory frameworks. Blockchain eases the burden of regulatory compliance by providing an immutable record of the product’s journey from inception to distribution. This transparent and traceable history facilitates smoother interactions with regulatory agencies and minimizes the risk of recalls or rejections, saving both time and resources.

The adoption of blockchain technology in supply chain management offers clear and tangible benefits. This not only includes enhancing transparency and trust but also streamlining issue resolution and ensuring data integrity, critical in an industry as sensitive as pharmaceuticals. Embracing blockchain means businesses can enjoy these advantages while adhering to regulations and maintaining their competitive edge in the dynamic world of supply chain management.

What Lies Ahead?

In the ever-evolving landscape of the supply chain, businesses and supply chain experts are driven by the compelling need to adapt to the shifting dynamics of the industry. The core focus now revolves around three pivotal elements that are seen as essential for enhancing operational effectiveness:

1.Anticipating Supply Chain Risks:

The global supply chain has become a complex web of interconnected components, making it more susceptible to disruptions. Recognizing the critical importance of staying ahead of the curve, businesses are actively employing blockchain technology. Its real-time risk assessment capabilities enable companies to proactively prepare for unexpected challenges.

2.Facilitating ESG Monitoring:

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors have emerged as a driving force in today’s business landscape. Businesses understand that embracing ESG principles not only promotes sustainability but also underscores their corporate responsibility. To meet these demands and gain a competitive edge, they are turning to blockchain. Blockchain provides a powerful means to track and verify sustainable practices across the entire supply chain. This aligns with global sustainability goals and enhances a company’s reputation as a responsible corporate citizen.

3.Elevating Trust:

In a world where supply chains involve multiple stakeholders, trust is paramount. Businesses recognize that trust is the cornerstone of successful supply chain operations. They are increasingly turning to blockchain as a solution. Blockchain’s transparent and tamper-proof ledger not only promotes trust but also encourages collaborative engagement among all parties. It ensures the authenticity and reliability of data and transactions, building a solid foundation of trust within complex multi-stakeholder environments.

We think more businesses are embracing these three essential elements after recognizing their pivotal role in improving operational efficiency. This strategic adoption empowers supply chain executives and their organizations to achieve transparency, trace product origins, ensure regulatory compliance, and cultivate enduring brand loyalty.


For those enterprises looking to master their supply chains, blockchain technology remains an influential and indispensable tool, serving as a dependable repository of transaction data on a shared ledger. It remains evident that the role of blockchain in supply chain management will continue to gain significance as companies navigate the ever-evolving global trade and commerce landscape.

If you’re interested in learning more or need assistance streamlining your supply chain with blockchain, don’t hesitate to contact us for expert guidance and support.

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top 5 areas for blockchain in distribution

Top 5 Areas for Blockchain in Distribution: A 5-Year Update

Top 5 Areas for Blockchain in Distribution: A 5-Year Update 700 500 Xcelpros Team


The distribution industry, encompassing both wholesale and retail, usually features physical stores and warehouses acting as middlemen connecting manufacturers and consumers. Since we wrote this blog, the industry has been changing because of shifting consumer preferences, increased competition, rapid digital and e-commerce progress, and rising real estate expenses.

To stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market, distribution companies are increasingly embracing technology solutions. As consumers increasingly expect efficiency and transparency, distribution companies need to adjust their strategies to meet these changing demands In this context, the use of technologies like blockchain or distributed ledger systems is becoming more popular as a way for the distribution industry to improve its agility and competitiveness.

Blockchain: Essential in Today’s World

Between 2016 and 2017, the distribution industry encountered major issues, like the counterfeit cotton scandal in Egypt and the horse meat scandal. These events eroded consumer trust and exposed vulnerabilities in the supply chain. However, in the years since these incidents, blockchain technology has advanced considerably.

Today, the distribution industry should no longer view blockchain as a technology of the future. Blockchain has evolved to offer robust solutions that address the very issues that tarnished consumer trust in the past. To address these challenges, retail and wholesale distribution companies are using distributed ledger technology to improve efficiency, transparency, product tracking, and streamline their business operations. Through secure digital IDs, the industry can create a real-time, immutable record of a product’s entire lifecycle without relying on centralized control. These records are designed to be tamper-proof, requiring validation from multiple network participants before any alterations can be made.

Furthermore, it’s worth noting that there have been no significant new issues of a similar magnitude since those incidents. This shows the benefits of using blockchain and other technology solutions to improve product authenticity, supply chain transparency, and consumer trust. The industry’s continued commitment to leveraging blockchain reaffirms its dedication to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and accountability.

As demonstrated by current spending trends, industries with high transaction volumes are making substantial investments in blockchain technology. According to IDC, blockchain investments are rapidly escalating. To enhance efficiency within the distribution sector, it’s imperative for the industry to align itself with this pace.

Moreover, technology providers and service vendors are increasingly collaborating to harness blockchain’s potential, beyond cryptocurrencies. They are actively adopting various blockchain solutions for supply chain shipment tracking, transaction record-keeping for audits, and regulatory compliance. This technology has matured to the point where it is not merely a futuristic concept but a practical tool that can reshape the future of distribution.

What Is Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)?

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) are groundbreaking systems for securely recording and handling transactions and data in a decentralized and tamper-proof way. These technologies have evolved and adapted to various use cases, with new advancements continually emerging.

At its core, blockchain is a database that organizes data into blocks, which are securely linked in a chronological chain. Once data is added to a block, it becomes unchangeable, ensuring the integrity and immutability of all stored transactions. Recent improvements have enhanced scalability and efficiency, making blockchain more versatile and able to handle a broader range of uses.

DLT, which encompasses blockchain, extends beyond the confines of a traditional ledger. It includes innovations like Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) and Hybrid Blockchains. DAGs offer a structure that doesn’t rely on a linear chain, making them even more scalable and energy efficient. Hybrid Blockchains combine the strengths of both public and private chains, enabling customizable levels of accessibility while maintaining security.

One of the significant developments is the rise of permissioned blockchains. These private or consortium networks restrict access to authorized participants, providing more control and privacy. They are ideal for use in cases where strict governance is necessary, such as in the financial sector.

Furthermore, smart contracts, which are contracts where the terms are directly written into code and execute themselves, have become more popular. These contracts automate and enforce agreements without the need for intermediaries.

Distributed ledger technology allows stakeholders to access important information with a single scan, simplifying operations and cutting costs in the distribution industry.

In summary, blockchain and DLT have evolved beyond their initial conceptions. They now offer a broader range of applications, increased scalability, energy efficiency, and more customizable access control. As these technologies continue to advance, their impact on industries, from finance to supply chain, will only expand.

Securing the Blockchain: Examining Current Blockchain Security

  • Blockchain Security: It’s widely known as one of the most secure systems.
  • Cryptographic Security: Blockchain uses advanced cryptographic methods to record transactions, making it extremely difficult for hackers or intruders to tamper with the system.
  • Resource Requirements: To access or alter a record in a blockchain, an attacker would need to control over 51% of the network’s computing resources. This is a formidable task due to the decentralized and widely distributed nature of blockchain networks.
  • Decentralization: Blockchains are inherently decentralized, operating across a network of peers. Each peer has its private key or digital signature, providing an additional layer of security.
  • Intrusion Detection: If there’s an attempt to break in, the network rapidly spots the unauthorized activity, making the intruder’s digital signature useless and visible to all network users.
  • Solid Security: While no system is entirely immune, blockchain’s use of cryptography, decentralization, and network agreement makes it very secure and resistant to tampering. This makes it a strong defense against hacking and unauthorized access.

Top 5 Areas of Blockchain Impact on Distribution

Blockchain has had a profound and lasting impact on distribution, even after seven years of use:

  1. 1. Revolutionizing Payments
  2. 2. Elevated Transparency and Counterfeit Prevention
  3. 3. Slashing Business Costs
  4. 4. Enhanced Compliance and Regulatory Efficiency
  5. 5. Modernizing Talent Acquisition

Figure 1:Blockchain’s Impact on Distribution

Blockchain's Impact on Distribution

01.Revolutionizing Payments

  • Seven years have seen significant advancements in blockchain-based payment solutions in the distribution industry. Traditional banking systems fees and delays have pushed businesses towards more efficient and cost-effective blockchain-based payment options. For example, sending $200 from the United States to Asia, which used to cost up to $12, can now be done for a much lower cost, thanks to the ongoing expansion of blockchain.

02.Elevated Transparency and Counterfeit Prevention

  • Blockchain’s influence on transparency and counterfeit prevention has only deepened. Many players in the distribution system, including logistics, vendors, regulators, and payment partners, still gain advantages from blockchain’s shared ledger, which guarantees real-time accountability throughout the supply chain. For example, blockchain empowers retailers to trace a product’s origin and its journey, including vital cold chain conditions. Countering counterfeits, especially in high-value sectors like pharmaceuticals, has seen ongoing success. Blockchain’s secure trail of custody logs continues to safeguard supply chain integrity and tackle the persisting issue of counterfeit products.

03.Slashing Business Costs

  • Over the past seven years, the reduction of business costs through blockchain has become even more streamlined. Blockchain has remarkably reduced paperwork at each stage of the product’s lifecycle, from pre-manufacturing to sale. This streamlined efficiency has not only saved time but has become a cornerstone in reducing operational costs across the industry.

04.Enhanced Compliance and Regulatory Efficiency

  • Blockchain’s contribution to compliance and regulatory efficiency has matured. The technology’s ability to improve batch tracking ensures swift and precise responses to contamination or quality issues. Sharing unchangeable blockchain records with regulatory agencies has made compliance easier, leading to higher approval rates and fewer product recalls or rejections. This improves quality assurance in the industry.

05.Modernizing Talent Acquisition

  • In talent acquisition, blockchain remains crucial for verifying candidates profiles. Now, blockchain technology provides increased transparency, enabling real-time verification of degrees, work history, certifications, and accomplishments, offering a modern and reliable way to handle hiring in the industry.

These updates illustrate how blockchain has evolved and continued to impact the distribution industry positively. Its significance in tackling current issues and enhancing efficiency and transparency is still strong and dynamic, even seven years after its first use.

Blockchain’s Impact on the Distribution Industry in the Past 5 Years

Over the last five years, blockchain’s influence on the distribution sector has grown and evolved, featuring several significant advancements.

Evolved Payments

Blockchain technology has continued to revolutionize payment systems within the distribution industry. What was once a cumbersome and costly process has become more streamlined and cost-effective. Remittances that were once costly and slow are now fast and cost-effective, benefiting businesses in the distribution network.

Deepened Transparency and Security

Blockchain’s role in enhancing transparency and security has only grown more pronounced. Distributed ledger technology ensures that every stage of a product’s journey, from manufacturing to the end location, is securely and transparently recorded. This secure tracking system not only shows how a product was made but also reveals how it was handled during shipping. This heightened transparency is essential for quality assurance and maintaining the integrity of the supply chain.

Continued Cost Reduction

Blockchain’s role in reducing operational costs by minimizing paperwork remains a fundamental benefit. Distributed ledger technology enables stakeholders to access vital information with just one scan, greatly simplifying operations and reducing costs in the distribution industry.

Regulatory Efficiency and Compliance

Blockchain’s role in improving batch tracking and simplifying compliance procedures has continued to mature. It has become a trusted tool for maintaining efficient regulatory compliance and ensuring product quality. It has reduced the risk of recalls, increased product approval rates, and is crucial for maintaining quality standards.

Enhanced Talent Acquisition

In the talent acquisition arena, blockchain has continued to modernize the hiring process. It offers a high level of transparency and trust in verifying candidates’ profiles, making the hiring process more reliable and secure.


Blockchain is not a distant concept but a tangible and indispensable part of the distribution industry today. Distributors who have embraced blockchain technology have gained significant advantages in terms of efficiency, transparency, and competitiveness. Five years of continued innovation have led to faster payment processing, reduced costs, and enhanced product integrity.

As we move forward, the continuous growth of blockchain holds the potential for additional inventive solutions and uses in distribution, solidifying its role as a pivotal and transformative technology in the industry’s ongoing progress.

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Improve Your Supply Chain with Microsoft D365 Transportation Management

Improve Your Supply Chain with Microsoft D365 Transportation Management

Improve Your Supply Chain with Microsoft D365 Transportation Management 700 500 Xcelpros Team


Today, most businesses are starting to realize that managing their supply chain effectively improves customer service, reduces costs and increases profit margins. But with increased workforce challenges and constantly changing data, the logistics involved can still be complicated. For most companies, the answer is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations, designed to improve your business’s supply chain, transportation management and overall efficiency. With Microsoft D365, you can streamline operations, consolidate data and gain greater visibility into crucial business details that matter most, giving you more time to focus on your customers.

The importance of transportation management in any business

Transportation management is proving increasingly important for businesses of all sizes. Supply chain planning is increasingly focusing its local perspective on global strategy, so companies must keep up. For this, businesses will need access to modern tools and resources, which means looking beyond traditional processes, excel sheets and email notifications. Next-generation transportation management solutions offer the flexibility and – more importantly – scalability that businesses today need to help them grow without being hampered by outdated systems. Suppose you’re genuinely interested in moving away from an older legacy system. In that case, you want something that can go beyond your everyday operational needs, offering increased visibility of sales, distribution, and customer service departments, giving you a full-scope view of all your company’s operations.

How your business can benefit from using Microsoft D365 for transportation management

Microsoft Dynamics 365 helps businesses improve their transportation management by offering access to inventory management, customer service, and more – all in real-time. Microsoft Dynamics 365 is flexible and scalable enough for day-to-day operations to meet the demands of any size business. The transportation planning solution helps you understand where products are going and how to manage your supply chainbetter. This solution also helps you better meet customer service needs and increase sales with greater visibility on distribution, service, marketing, and more. With Dynamics 365 and the right partner, you can get up and running quickly, letting you take advantage of these features right away.

Transportation management in Microsoft D365

Microsoft has included several transportation features in Dynamics 365 that make it easy to see your fleet and track important metrics like fuel usage, mileage, driver hours, and total miles. Plus, you can always keep an eye on things like vendors and routes, as well as the status of your fleet, by tracking maintenance updates and scheduling jobs like oil changes. Information is available from any device at the click of a button, giving you the flexibility to look at things whenever and wherever you want. And because Dynamics 365 has been built to be flexible and scalable, you get full access to the benefits without worrying about limitations or overspending. When you decide on Microsoft Dynamics 365 as your transportation management system, data will be stored in one place so everything stays organized.

Figure 1: Use of Dynamics 365 with Respective Departments in Transport Management

Use of Dynamics 365 with Respective Departments in Transport Management

When it comes to planning, Dynamics helps you:

  1. 1.Plan inbound and outbound shipments more effectively with the help of D365, which provides visibility into pending orders for easier scheduling.
  2. 2.Manage costs better with detailed shipment cost reports and freight quotes for each shipment to help you find the best rates and save money.
  3. 3.Get accurate, up-to-the minute information on trucks with mobile access to the latest truck location, letting you know exactly where it is, how much gas is left, who is driving, etc., enabling you to give immediate feedback as needed to streamline business processes.

For inventory control, Dynamics gives you:

  1. 1.Real-time visibility into your inventory, with on-screen alerts if something needs attention.
  2. 2.Better forecasting thanks to more precise insights gained through analyzing historical demand patterns, weather forecasts, and other data sets.
  3. 3.More automation across sales channels including eCommerce sites so you have fewer manual transactions to manage and less risk of human error.
  4. 4.The ability to sell online without worrying about whether your back-end systems can accommodate new customers and orders coming in constantly. You’ll also get notifications via email and text message every time there’s a new order or product alert, eliminating the need for constant phone calls with vendors.

For customer service, Dynamics offers:

  1. 1.A single view of customer history so you don’t have to search between different systems trying to find what you’re looking for; saving time and making it simpler than ever before.
  2. 2.Improved customer satisfaction with proactive and reactive strategies to reach out to your customers before they reach out to you.
  3. 3.Improved billing and collections, with the ability to charge interest if payment is not received within a specified period, plus the option of adding late fees and penalty charges.

Who is it for?

Dynamics 365 is an excellent product for companies whose supply chains are critical to their business. Really, any company that manages their inventory in bulk or has a fleet of trucks and drivers on the road will benefit from using Dynamics 365.

For a company that wants to improve its transportation management, Dynamics 365 is flexible and scalable enough for day-to-day operations with greater visibility of your entire supply chain.

Dynamics 365 can be used for any business that uses transportation management in their daily operations. The flexibility of Dynamics 365 means it can grow alongside your business, so you don’t need to worry about change as your company grows. Microsoft D365 allows you to use data analytics to help make better decisions when operating your business, tracking all aspects of your supply chain by integrating with other applications like Office 365, Power BI or SharePoint Online. This lets you automate workflows and easily create reports, which helps your entire supply chain run much more efficiently.

Next Steps

The first step is to understand the basic features included in D365’s Transportation Management. This is where you need to identify your specific transportation management needs and how Microsoft D365 can help you meet them, including which modules available will work best for you – from distribution and customer service to sales and marketing. This is the perfect time to speak to your Dynamics 365 partner, who can help walk through what it will take to integrate these into your business and ensure all bases are covered.

Schedule a call today to find out how we can help your business grow.

References: Transportation management overview

5 Key Reasons Why Distributors Should Invest in a Robust ERP

5 Key Reasons Why You Need ERP Software in Distribution

5 Key Reasons Why You Need ERP Software in Distribution 700 500 Xcelpros Team

At a Glance

  • As a distributor, your investments can be severely impacted due to operational or management issues with your transportation system; The day-to-day operations of most wholesale distribution companies can take advantage of optimized systems to avoid inventory stock-outs, transportation bottlenecks, and more.
  • Most operational problems can either be resolved quickly or avoided altogether with ERP software designed for distribution companies.
  • Today, more and more supply chain distribution and transportation companies looking for an advantage are investing wisely in ERP software.

Distribution management, supply chain and logistics planning can be few of the most challenging areas for any wholesale distribution company. If not properly monitored, common occurrences of events like rapidly increasing volumes of new information, varying timelines, and unplanned scheduling issues can become large challenges to overcome. This goes for unforeseen factors that can’t be planned for as well, like breakdowns, natural disasters, and unexpected disruptions to transportation channels. To minimize the impact of these scenarios and more, distribution companies can choose to leverage smart business management software platforms such as ERPs. These solutions designed specifically for distribution companies focus on simplifying operations and shortening the cash cycle with robust out-of-the-box and customizable solutions.

For years, distribution companies have been on the short end of the stick when it comes to implementing IT infrastructure capable enough to support their unique needs and requirements. While a quick search might indicate a majority of wholesale distribution companies operating on a similar model, a more in-depth investigation would highlight numerous differences and intricacies. An effective wholesale distribution ERP software can recognize specific requirements and provide solutions to address them based on the scale, geography, and operating model of a specific organization. This all points to ERP being essential for distribution channel management, boosting overall operational efficiency, and reducing costs.

Below are 5 more important reasons why the right ERP is a must-have for organizations looking to boost distribution and transportation networks

1.Increased agility With today’s market more dynamic than ever before, end-users are not only more aware of what they want but are able to access a growing number of options. This change in behavior requires manufacturers and wholesale distributors alike to rethink their approach. With the right ERP solution in place, both sales and distribution pipelines become much more dynamic, allowing distribution companies to communicate changes in requirements in real-time to simplify the order-to-shipment process.

2.Enhanced Data Management For any distribution company, managing inventory inflow and outflow is an enormous task, susceptible to repetition, recurrence, and multiple errors. This can be avoided by implementing a comprehensive ERP platform to automate data entry and facilitate high-end data and insight generation. The right ERP software in distribution offers significantly enhanced visibility and complete transparency for information being managed in a distribution network.

Figure: 1Why Do Distribution Companies Need ERP

Why Do Distribution Companies Need ERP

3.Efficient Inventory Management Properly managing today’s distribution operations includes actively monitoring supply chains, logistics, and inventory, which, when not managed effectively, can produce a significantly lower ROI. This is where ERP software for a distribution company can make a huge difference with things like built-in automation to track multiple items, real-time monitoring of goods to avoid stock-outs, and improved communication between stakeholders.

4.Streamlined Supply Chain Management To avoid disruptions in supply chains, companies need to take proactive measures to streamline operations and minimize the impacts of any global phenomenon that can potentially disrupt the supply network. An ERP software in a distribution company helps ensure a steady flow of goods, fortified communication amongst stakeholders, and complete visibility of the supply chain.

5.Improved Customer Relationships Today’s wholesale distributors are expected to anticipate their end user’s needs as market demands rapidly change. This helps organizations stay ahead of their competition, and able to respond quickly to their customer’s dynamic requirements. The strengthening of these customer relationships leads to an improved cash cycle, which further helps to avoid overstock. This leads to other, more conventional industries looking to improve customer retention with the right ERP.

Final Thoughts

Modern ERP software in distribution has evolved into complete end-to-end platforms designed to promote growth and improve both suppliers’ and distributors’ ability to do business under quickly changing conditions. Especially today, implementing the correct solution has become much more affordable, offering significantly improved response times, increased efficiency, and stronger customer relationships.

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing the right ERP for distribution is more crucial than ever in making your supply chain and distribution network highly dynamic, leaving your business in a much better position to respond to rapidly-changing market demands.
  • The main focus of ERP isn’t just operations management but also improving supply chain and strengthening customer relations.
  • Overall, sales and distribution cycles become much more profitable when the right ERP solution is in place.

Invest in a robust ERP system to streamline your distribution operations. Start your trial!

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supply chain challenges in chemical industry

Best solutions for Logistics and Transportation Challenges in the chemical industry

Best solutions for Logistics and Transportation Challenges in the chemical industry 700 500 Xcelpros Team

At a Glance

  • Chemical companies are reeling under a two-edged crisis- unprecedented fall in the price of crude oil and the upheaval brought in the global supply chain because of Covid-19.
  • Chemical companies have also faced issues like increased freight costs, excessive demand for chemical sanitizers, and changing government regulations across different geographies.
  • Mitigating costs, managing inventories, avoiding bottlenecks and rising to the challenges would be some of the top-most priorities of the executives managing chemical transportation and logistics.

Global supply chains have seen direct and ripple effects of the coronavirus or Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has caused operational upheavals and seen acute disturbances in logistics due to shortage of chemical raw material. Adapting to volatile market conditions in the face of a challenge shows the company’s ability to sustain growth. Determination, planning and willingness to adapt to changes are expected from the rapidly growing chemical companies.

To aid with their business continuity plans, chemical companies need to continue to reinvent their operational processes, inventory management strategies and transportation management. Supply chain challenges in the chemical industry are inevitable as every country responds differently to health and economic crises. A crisis changes the way you manage inventory, raw material procurement, monitor demand for certain chemicals, workforce procedures, freight costs, etc.


of the USA’s chemical companies considered supply chain disruptions due to the coronavirus pandemic as their major concern for the coming future.

Source: PWC

Many comprehensive software applications have been developed to provide concrete solutions to mitigate the issues related to supply chain disruptions. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management has been cited as the best software for supply chain management and a complete solution for distribution and logistics. Here are four primary concerns that chemical companies are facing when it comes to managing transportation and logistics:

1.Moving to Road and Railways: Transportation and logistics in the chemical industry have been heavily dependent on airways and waterways in bigger countries and across international borders. However, increased safety concerns and inflated costs make chemical companies shift to the transportation of raw material, and final products through roads and railways. The change in mode of transportation directly impacts the landing cost of the product. Inability to track accurate landing costs, end-to-end transportation tracking and scheduling are some major pain points in a chemical company.

2.On-time Delivery of Raw Material: There is a sudden and unexpected disparity in the demand for different chemicals. Demand for chemical surface cleaners, sanitizers has increased several folds across the globe (and understandably so), however majority of challenges are related to on-time delivery of material. Unpredictable transportation lead times and inability to deliver these raw materials is a big pain point in providing accurate receipt dates.

Figure: 1 High-level Disruptions in Chemical Transportation due to Covid-19 Pandemic

Transportation Management Process Flow in Dynamics 365

3.Transportation Planning and Inventory Management: A supply chain can run smoothly only when the inventories are managed well. Given the current times, chemical companies need to align their requirements and logistical arrangements with the availability of products in their respective inventories. This requires top-to-bottom visibility and high-level decision making to approve faster changes in material requirements. A major roadblock is related inefficient transportation planning to minimize delays.

4.Increased Freight Cost and Changing Regulations: With change in modes of transportation, and disruption of demand and supply pattern of chemicals worldwide, freight cost shot up by several times. Chemical companies have to deal with higher freight costs along with issues in logistics and supply chain management.

Despite all these pain points, chemical companies can reinvent their transportation and logistics operations to rise to the occasion. Here are certain measures that chemical companies can take to streamline their distribution demands:

  • Assessing the requirement based on geographies and allocating warehouses to meet those demands.
  • Labeling, stocking and categorizing chemical stock based on order priority and making them easily available for transportation.
  • Making use of serialization and bulk containers with barcodes for optimal supply and efficient tracking.
  • Appointing a special task force to manage transportation and logistics changes to optimize the supply chain and provide the single-point contact/ visibility option to all the stakeholders involved.

How Can Your Chemical Company Optimize Transportation and Logistics Operations Using Microsoft Dynamics

Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides the right features for a chemical company to manage operations, inventory and transportation. Once you get the view of your company’s transportation and chemical supply chain management in Microsoft Dynamics 365, you will be able to plan and implement optimization strategies for chemical transportation and logistics.

The information about chemicals are required to be maintained and tracked under high-level categories. Also, labeling batches, mentioning hazardous substances, barcoding containers and mentioning chemical properties is part of any chemical company’s logistics plan in Microsoft Dynamics 365 in conjunction with integrated chemical management.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 allows for complete inventory visibility through its Distributed Order Management (DOM) indicator. This allows all the stakeholders to stay on top of things, avoid bottle-necks or stock-outs during these unprecedented times.

Chemical companies can benefit from comprehensive Transportation Management module in Dynamics 365. The module is loaded with features that can let you manage your transportation and logistics while also letting you identify vendor and routing solutions for inbound and outbound orders. In these times of extreme price inflations and changing market dynamics, this module helps your chemical company cut operational costs in logistics by effectively planning inbound and outbound transportation. Highly advanced business intelligence built in the Dynamics 365 Transportation Management module helps chemical companies identify best-priced and most efficient carriers. Through this module, you can get real-time visibility of the entire order at all times.

Here are some of the most impactful benefits of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Transportation Management module for chemical companies:

  • Warehouse Management Efficiency
  • Enhanced Delivery Capabilities
  • Inventory Reductions
  • Real-time Supply Chain Visibility
  • Effective Customer Service
  • Set up Ad-hoc Cycle Counting Thresholds and Cycle Count Locations
  • Pre-schedule Route Planning for Efficient Transportation
  • Availability of Multi-packing Slips in Load Planning
  • Skip Trivial Freight Reconciliation Process

Every chemical company has a different shop-floor operation and needs customized production operations plans for kits and packaging (for transportation). This option is easily accessible with Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Companies can manage lot tracking, tracing of chemicals, route mapping, resource availability, and freight cost management. The system provides the option of generating individual or batch invoices.

The Transportation Management module in Dynamics 365 follows a well-vetted process flow that is dynamic and customizable, based on your transportation requirements.

Figure: 2Transportation Management Process Flow in Dynamics 365

High-level Disruptions in Chemical Transportation due to Pandemic

While it is true that the world is witnessing changes in the chemical supply chain and transportation due to the Covid-19 pandemic, companies can rise to the occasion with resilience, optimal use of resources and a systematic approach towards change in processes. There is a need for continuous innovation to stay ahead of the chemical companies’ curve to continue operations during this ‘new normal’.

Key Takeaways

  • Transportation and logistics of chemical companies are facing the ripple effects of disruption in global supply chain caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
  • While there are many challenges, chemical companies will need to reinvent their transportation management with the help of intelligent applications like Microsoft Dynamics 365. Once operations and processes are efficient, chemical companies can improve their transportation planning to ensure on-time delivery.

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inventory management strategies

Top 4 Efficient Inventory Management Strategies

Top 4 Efficient Inventory Management Strategies 700 500 Xcelpros Team

At a Glance

  • Challenges of an inventory can be both daunting and persistently confusing for shippers/ suppliers; however, a strategic re-evaluation can do wonders to your inventory management.
  • Accuracy, agility, and quality seem to be the main driving factors in today’s inventory management scenario.
  • Companies need to make the necessary changes to their approach to inventory management strategies today to have a seamless supply chain and, eventually, a satisfied customer base.

As technologies and the latest strategic trends bring on a blanket change across various industries and their related subsets of functions, organizations need to adapt to these trends. Such adaptations can at first sound overwhelming, but proper planning and execution can help you in the long run. Inventory management has come a long way from being just a function related to buying, stocking, and selling. In today’s digital era, managing an inventory entails predicting stock-outs and preventing them, enhancing workflow efficiency, providing real-time information to various stakeholders, and supporting large scale productions. The unprecedented growth of the e-commerce sector has given rise to customer expectations that can be daunting to the sellers and suppliers. Today’s supply chain culture is all about being the fastest and the most accurate. Thus, both B2B and B2C markets continually look for ways to efficiently manage their inventories’ challenges.


of supply chain and transportation executives say they are experiencing the need to reevaluate warehouse locations due to shifting trade patterns resulting from changes in the U.S. economy.

Source: A Report by Forbes Insight

Whether you are a manufacturer, supplier, or retailer, the road ahead to managing your inventory effectively is full of complexities as well as opportunities. Let us look at various good inventory management practices that will help you unravel these problems while tapping many efficient inventory management options.

01.Be Efficient When You Go Omnichannel

These days, the customers/consumers are empowered by various online applications, e-stores, and even physical shopping options to complete their order. As a retailer who wants to tap into these different distribution options, one needs to dive into omnichannel retailing. But this requires accurate and highly efficient management of stocks and their distribution across various channels. A complex omnichannel inventory requires a central data management system, effective track and trace mechanism, and sustainable storage options to operate seamlessly. An omnichannel store that operates both physically and online needs to purchase data and patterns for predictive analysis to preempt customer demands and stock their inventories accordingly.

Figure 1:An Omnichannel Retailer’s Inventory

An Omnichannel Retailers Inventory

02.Create an Efficient Connected Ecosystem

Long gone are the days when inventories were simply warehouses located close to the supplier base and managed as a separate function. With advanced, cutting-edge technologies, everything is connected today. Thus, to overcome the inventory management problems, you need to create an efficiently connected ecosystem where different functions work in tandem while sharing data, exchanging real-time developments, and being governed in an optimized way.

To help you manage your inventory’s problems with ease, speed, and accuracy:

  • Moving your data from legacy platforms to Cloud.
  • Implement process automation to simplify laborious manual tasks.
  • Use Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to preempt stock-outs.
  • Apply Advanced Analytics for accurate inventory reporting.

Figure 2:Benefits of a Connected Ecosystem for Inventory Management

Benefits of a Connected Ecosystem for Inventory Management

03.Revisit Your Warehouse Location design

In the past, inventory locations were not always well-managed and streamlined based on supply, consumption, and demand. With cumbersome planning and different modes of transportation, warehouses would ship goods to the desired locations. However, in today’s times, inventories cater to multiple channels and changing consumers’ demand patterns. This has made companies rethink their logistics strategy. Companies are setting up distribution centers closer to the customer-base to help streamline order fulfillment. Also, these distribution centers, when integrated through a common and efficient warehouse management software, can share data and prevent stock-outs.

04.Balancing the Influx of Inventory

There has always been discord between stocking up on inventory and the actual space available in shippers/suppliers’ warehouses to store the inventory. Sometimes, shippers miscalculate the future demand, while other times, they fear the increase in the price of goods. Whatever may be the scenario, this influx of inventory and the lack of actual physical space can lead to a menace for distribution centers. This can also lead to damage of goods, loss of perishable items, and a mismanaged inventory. To avoid this kind of influx, suppliers can get supply chain experts on board to use technology to their advantage. Tools and applications like MRP with AI and Advanced Analytics can accurately forecast customer demands. A good and robust software system to track the inventory items will prevent excessive purchases and stock-ups.

Inventory problems have always been the peril of supply chain management. You can be better prepared using the latest technologies with features like track and trace through LPN, a mobile supply chain, use of barcode, labeling, etc. By rethinking and replanning your supply chain process, you can proactively streamline inventory. A smooth supply chain needs to have a well-managed inventory, and taking the right steps in this direction will help you build a higher business value.

Key Takeaways

  • No two companies can have similar inventory requirements and structures; so, you need to assess your needs to optimize and manage inventory challenges.
  • A complex inventory requires stringent workforce management, change management, skill force updating, latest technologies, and application of intelligent tools to be managed seamlessly.
  • Contingency plans need to be in place for disruptions in inventory management, giving your company the ability to plan for unexpected situations.

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